Construction Story Time – Toddler

Opening Song

Sign Language: Hammer, screwdriver

Book: The Mixed-Up Truck by Stephen Savage

Brick by brick
By brick by brick,
My building’s so high,
It’s scraping the sky.
(Place fists one on top of the other, going higher each time.)

Brick by brick
By brick by brick,
My building will sway
When the wind blows this way.
(Sway left, then right.)

Brick by brick
By brick by brick,
Now I’m ready to stop
And a flag goes on top.
(Open one fist and wave hand left and right.)

Song: “Jumping and Counting” – Jim Gill: The Irrational Anthem

Book: Old MacDonald Had a Truck by Steve Goetz

Hannah needs her hammer lots and lots.
Is it hiding in the [color] toolbox?
Have children choose a color each time, and look underneath the toolbox for the missing hammer.

Song: This is the way we pound our nails,
Pound our nails, pound our nails.
This is the way we pound our nails
So early in the morning.

Repeat with:
Saw the wood
Turn the screw
Stack the bricks
Stir the paint
Paint the walls

Book: The Construction Crew by Lynn Meltzer

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubblegum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Rhyme

Craft: Paper bulldozer
