Superhero Story Time- Toddler

Opening Song

We are going to read about SUPERHEROES today! Do any of you know what a superhero is? Superheroes have special powers like running fast or flying, but what makes them heroes is that they help other people!

Sign Language: Superman

Book: Do Super Heroes have Teddy Bears? by Carmela LaVigna Coyle; illustrated by Mike Gordon

do superheroes have teddy bears

Fingerplay: Five Superheroes

Five superheroes ready to fly,

Here comes a villain. Stop that guy!

This superhero can save the day.

Off he flies—up, up and away!

(Credit: Read, Rhyme & Sing)

Song: If you’re a hero and you know it…

If you’re a hero and you know it, flex your muscles

If you’re a hero and you know it, flex your muscles

If you’re a hero and you know it then your pose will surely  show it

If you’re a hero and you know it, flex your muscles

(Verses: Jump up high, fly around, run really fast)

(Credit: Franklin Park Public Library District)

Book: Super Sam! by Lori Ries; illustrated by Sue Rama

super sam

Rhyme: Superman

Put your hands way up high (Raise arms up in air)
Like Superman flying across the sky (Assume flying position)
Fly to the left / Now fly to the right (Lean to YOUR right then left)
Now show me your muscles with all your might, (Make arm muscles)
Now Superman’s putting his suit away (Bring arms down slowly)
So he can go flying another day (Rest hands in lap)

(Credit: Sunflower Storytime)

Song: “Jump and Fly” – Laurie Berkner: Rocketship Run

Book (with puppet): Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley

go away big green monster

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubblegum”- David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Craft: Coloring superhero masks