Love and Friendship Story Time – Preschool

Introduction: It’s Valentine’s Day this week, so we are sharing stories about love and friendship.

Opening song

Book: You are the Pea, and I am the Carrot by J. Theron Elkins, illustrated by Pascal Lemaitre

you are the pea i am the carrot

Song: “The More We Get Together” with sign language actions

Book: Snowy Valentine by David Petersen

snowy valentine

Song: “Love Grows One by One” – Tom Pease

Book: A Friend Like You by Tanja Askani

friend like you

Song: “Skidamarink” – Sharon, Lois & Bram

Book w/ puppet: Porcupining: A Prickly Love Story by Lisa Wheeler, illustrated by Janie Bynum



Craft: Paper Hugs!
