Homes Story Time – Preschool

Opening song

Book: The Napping House by Audrey Wood, illustrated by Don Wood

napping house

Action Rhyme: “Homes”
Here is a house for a robin (hold hands open)
Here is a hive for a bee (close hands together)
Here is a hole for a bunny (make a circle with hands)
Here is a home for me (point around)

Book: Too Tall Houses by Gianna Marino

too tall houses

Fingerplay: “Here is a House”
Here is a house built up high (hands over head to make a roof)
With two big chimneys reaching for the sky (raise arms up high)
Here is a window (draw a square)
Here is a door (pretend to open a door)
If we look inside (peek through fingers)
There’s a mouse on the floor! (scamper fingers away)

Flannel Board Story: The Three Little Pigs

3 pigs flannel

Book: The Big Orange Splot by Daniel Pinkwater

big orange splot

Craft: Paper bag houses